How do YOU define "innovation?" Add your definition below and follow the same format as this one;
- The act of starting something new.
- Any act of creating something unique, or presenting something in a way contrary to an established norm.
3. The [intentional] use of systematic strategies to create new products and services which are solutions for needs not yet realized.
4. The capabiliy of take existing information, rearrenge and structure it from a different perspective, and use it to process the reality (or solve a problem).
5. The development and application of something new that improves an existing idea, product, or process.
6. The act of identifying a problem or opportunity and using systematic ways of thinking to provide a solution.
7. Innovation is a process of creating new dimensions for existing products which should offer improvements in quality, value, efficiency, etc.
8. The process of using an existing product or service, deconstructing, reconstructing or modifing it to use as the solution to another problem for which the use of the product or service was previously unexplored.
9. Innovation is the improvement of a product or service beyond its' apparent potential.
10.Innovation is anything that provides a new perceived benefit to a customer or employee.
11. An idea which brings about a positive change.
12. Introducing something new and significantly different to the marketplace.
13. It is about creating something that will bring to the consumers new services/products or improved services/products
14. Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity - not a threat. Innovation is to bring about change in something to do the same thing or another thing more effectively.
15.“new ideas into tangible societal impact,”
16. The process of evoking energy into an idea or strategy
17. Innovation is what results from the processes of collaboration, design, and implementation in an attempt to arrive at some new product or service that improves upon a current state or product.
18. Innovation is thinking or doing what has not previously been thought or done.
19. The result of making something new and unique that helps to advance an area
20. The act of introducing new methods or processes
21. Innovation is converting knowledge and ideas into better ways of doing business and/or introducing new and improved products and services
22. The act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new.
23. Successfully applying incremental or radical changes to an existing product, process, or idea.
24. Innovation is a systematic process of creating business value by developing ideas from mind to market.
25. Deliberately creating something new.
26. Innovation is to make better products and services, to make customers happy and to drive sustainable business growth.
27. The act or process of creating something new, either from scratch or using an existing product or service as a foundation.
28. Innovation is the act of improving upon an existing idea using a new methodology, a new approach, a different thought process and deconstructing and then reconstructing the process and the idea to obtain a new , improved and more efficient product or service.
29.Innovation is a methodology of improving the current business process to gain competitive advantage.
30. Innovation is a new way of performing a task which helps increase the productivity, efficiency and quality of the product (end result).
31. Innovation is the act of designing, thinking, creating, changing, developing and or introducing new ideas, methods, products or processes
32. Innovation is taking lots of ideas to a single valued destination which will create something new or add to the existing product or service.
33. Disregarding societal definitions of "right" and "wrong" in order to unify the right and left brain to discover, through directed creativity and logic, simple solutions.
34.Innovation is the process of modifying/creating products/services/ideas to generate new iterations that will meet new customer/user needs.
35. Innovation is the ability to deliver new value to a customer
36. Innovation - a new idea, method, or device which provides benefit/value for its end user.\
37. Innovation is a process of creating new dimensions for existing products which should offer improvements in quality, value, efficiency, etc.
38. To give birth to ... OR to create...OR to cause and emergence of...
39. To invent, introduce or create a new idea/service/product that represents an improvement on an existing idea/service/product.
40. Creating new ideas/improving existing ideas that have previously been unheard of and are viable.
41. Innovation is the combination of inspiration, evolution, realization and creativity.
42. The ability to create a successful offering before the appearance of signals that indicate market demand for the offering - Waqas Shah
43. Creating something new by converting an idea into a properspectives duct, service or process that will be actually sold/used in the market.
44. Process of creating a new methodology, product or service which is beneficial, creative and surprising.
45.Innovation is the birth of an idea which was not thought of before which creates value for an existing or new product
46. Never take it for granted. Think harder and from perspectives you have never thought before to come up with new value for existing products -Hua Zhong(Bess)
The ability to create a successful offering before the appearance of signals that indicate market demand for the offering
Comments (33)
Mohit Bhardwaj said
at 11:22 pm on Apr 2, 2010
38. to give birth to... OR to create... OR to cause an emergence of...
Allison Clasper said
at 8:24 pm on Apr 3, 2010
To invent, introduce or create a new idea/service/product that represents an improvement on an existing idea/service/product.
Samantha Foster said
at 8:45 am on Apr 4, 2010
Creating Value in a new way
Larisa said
at 10:00 am on Apr 4, 2010
a revolutionary new way of thinking about products, services or organizations
Will Krieger said
at 11:41 am on Apr 4, 2010
Innovation is the creation of something new - whether through a creative process or shear inspiration - and, further, its development can be transferred into business success.
Erin Gartner said
at 1:14 pm on Apr 4, 2010
creating a novel product or service through study and experimentation
David Sylvia said
at 3:40 pm on Apr 4, 2010
Leveraging the intrinsic, yet unrealized value of a new approach to a product or process
Ryan Meyer said
at 12:33 pm on Apr 5, 2010
Innovation is thinking outside of the box in an effort to create something new or better something that is old.
john said
at 9:08 pm on Apr 7, 2010
innovation is the act of creating a new or modified valued product/service for a specific target market.
Katie Kinnemeyer said
at 9:13 pm on Apr 7, 2010
Innovation is creating new value
Mike Dziewatkoski said
at 7:36 am on Apr 8, 2010
Innovation is taking a new look at an old problem and coming up with a solution that defies the status quo.
Brandy Jin said
at 8:15 am on Apr 8, 2010
In the business world, innovation is to introduce something new - by either modifying something existing or creating something brand new - in order to achieve more business success.
Saswata Chakrabarti said
at 9:54 am on Apr 8, 2010
Innovation happens when your dream/vision comes to life.
elyse sikora said
at 7:12 pm on Apr 8, 2010
Using a variety of methods, both intentional and unintentional, to create ideas that are new, helpful, and have the ability to change expectations or the status quo.
Jason Brewer said
at 7:50 pm on Apr 8, 2010
Innovation is when laughs turn into reality
osborne.john.a@... said
at 8:25 pm on Apr 8, 2010
Innovation is the process of developing a truly unique product, service, idea, or way of thought, which provides a distinctly new perspective to the world.
Simcha Kackley said
at 9:04 pm on Apr 8, 2010
Innovation occurs when one uncovers a new opportunity that brings value.
Abhinav Gupta said
at 6:01 am on Apr 9, 2010
Innovation is the birth of an idea which was not thought of before which creates value for an existing or new product
lukeaustinkim@... said
at 9:09 am on Apr 9, 2010
Innovation answers the question, what's next. It is successfully putting new ideas to practice.
khouryya@... said
at 6:23 pm on Apr 11, 2010
Innovation is the result of an audacious and creative mind.
Innovation differs from discovery and invention in that its purpose is to bring a practical application.
Shobhana Srinivasan said
at 3:26 pm on Apr 17, 2010
Innovation is generating out of the box ideas that are realistic and that can be implemented.
Miguel Rueda said
at 7:49 am on Apr 20, 2010
Innovation is a systematic method through which existing ideas/products/services can be reimagined for different uses, methods, or markets.Innovation follows the "solution-to-problem" concept, meaning that, first a new product/service is conceived, then its benefits are considered, then a use or purpose is assigned.
Ric Stewart said
at 11:56 am on Jan 9, 2011
Innovation is a process of converting ideas into new products and services.
Bhavik Joshi said
at 12:54 pm on Jan 9, 2011
I think: Innovation is a continuous process of converting existing knowledge & information into "new to the world" applications or benefits, by intentionally using systematic tools of value creation & design.
Sandeep Dosanjh said
at 3:18 pm on Jan 9, 2011
According to me, Innovation means doing things differently which requires out of the box thinking.
It can either mean to create or invent new product/service or redefining an existing product/service in such a manner that people have never thought before.
Siddharth Shetty said
at 3:30 pm on Jan 9, 2011
Innovation is what converts"Impossible" to "I am Possible"
Katie Hill said
at 10:11 pm on Jan 9, 2011
To me, innovation means improving existing products, processes, services or ideas. Innovation should also increase the value of the producer and/or consumer.
Ansha Bundela said
at 12:56 am on Jan 10, 2011
Innovation is a thought that has never been thought before said
at 6:31 pm on Jan 26, 2011
To fill or create a need.
brooksmt@... said
at 3:04 pm on Jan 27, 2011
Innovation is the adaptation of a product or thought process that arises at the culmination of the rejection of many "reasonably crappy" ideas.
brooksmt@... said
at 3:50 pm on Jan 27, 2011
“If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have asked for a faster horse”
Henry Ford
Ron Meyers said
at 5:36 pm on Jan 27, 2011
My definition of innovation would be the process by which something is reborn with new utility.
Mahsino Blamoh said
at 10:02 pm on Jan 27, 2011
Innovation is the means of creating or improving products and services in order to solve an existing problem. Innovative products and services often solve problems that consumers weren't previously able to articulate.
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